I LOVEDDD THIS ONE!!!! I don't know why it made me so emotional😭😭

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I love this so much! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, I know it's so scary but you're doing what's right for you and it makes me feel like I can fly <3

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You deserve so much respect for making the huge, daunting decision to leave your previous art journey behind and start anew. Thank you for inspiring me as a fellow artist!

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Hi Lea, I subscribed to your newsletter a few days ago. I follow you on Instagram, I'm like jhang. sketches. Thanks for sharing your experience, you are going through a time of change mixed with many other feelings. And I support you to find yourself and fulfill yourself in your art. Don't be afraid to show yourself as you are, you are a human being like all of us who follow you. And I will be here to be inspired by your art and support you too. A virtual hug from Lea, I subscribed to your newsletter a few days ago. I follow you on Instagram, I like jhang.sketches. Thanks for sharing your experience, you are going through a time of change mixed with many other feelings. And I support you to find yourself and be fulfilled in your art. Don't be afraid to show yourself as you are, you are a human being like all of us who follow you. And I will be here to be inspired by your art and support you too. A virtual hug from Peru

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Insightful and sincere. Another post that's a pleasure to read.

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This is so inspiring, so many artists get caught in the cycle and it’s so wonderful to see you as your true self and making room for your creativity and self love 🥰 well done Léa 🫶

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